India’s Power Struggle to Halt: Pakistan’s Bid to Join BRICS

Pakistan’s Persistent Pursuit of Membership

Pakistan’s aspiration to join BRICS resurfaces, raising concerns and sparking a contentious debate.

Introduction: Pakistan’s Intent to Join and India’s Opposition

In a renewed bid to join BRICS, Pakistan’s desire to become part of the powerful economic organization has reignited discussions on global platforms.


The backdrop of geopolitical tensions and economic ambitions shapes the dynamics of Pakistan’s pursuit and India’s apprehensions.

Understanding BRICS – A Force to Reckon With

Delving into the history and significance of BRICS as a global economic powerhouse.

BRICS’ Evolution: A Triphasic Formation

The journey of BRICS from its inception to becoming the third most potent global economic entity is marked by three distinct phases.

  1. RIC: The Founding Triumvirate

In the 1990s, Russia, India, and China collaboratively laid the foundation for the organization, aiming to challenge the dominance of Western powers and strengthen their international ties.

  1. Emergence: A Rapid Growth Engine

Goldman Sachs identified Brazil, Russia, India, and China as rapidly emerging economic giants in 2001. This recognition paved the way for the formation of it in 2009, expanding the organization’s scope.

  1. Consolidation: Inclusion of South Africa

The incorporation of South Africa in 2010 finalized the BRICS group, representing the African continent. BRICS rapidly established itself as a global economic force, surpassing the EU.

Resilience: The ‘Rising Economy’ Paradigm

BRICS nations defied the 2008-2009 global recession, showcasing the strength of economies that can grow independently of Western influence.

India’s Stand Against Expansion

Unpacking the reasons behind India’s resistance to the inclusion of new members in BRICS.

Dilemma Over Membership Criteria

The question of how to incorporate new countries into it highlights the challenge of aligning on either economic or geographical grounds.

Balancing diverse interests requires consensus among member nations.

Complexities of Managing an Expansive Organization

Drawing lessons from history, India is cautious of the management issues that could arise with the addition of numerous countries.

Decisions may become arduous, impacting the organization’s efficiency.

China’s Expansive Ambitions and India’s Concerns

China’s eagerness to extend BRICS’ reach raises apprehensions, as it could tip the balance of power within the organization and potentially counter Western influence.

Pakistan’s Motivations for BRICS Membership

Examining the reasons driving Pakistan’s persistent desire to join it.

Quest for Parity with India

Seeking equal status with India, Pakistan aims to ensure its voice is heard on the global stage through its membership.

Economic Aspirations and China’s Role

Pakistan anticipates economic benefits by joining it, banking on support from other member countries, particularly China, for its struggling economy.

Collaborative Intent with China to Impact India

By aligning with China in BRICS, Pakistan could influence decisions that affect India’s interests, thereby enhancing its regional position.

India’s Vigilant Opposition to Pakistan’s Ascent

Analyzing India’s reservations and strategic concerns regarding Pakistan’s potential BRICS membership.

Counterterrorism Stance and Bilateral Discord

India’s accusations of Pakistan supporting terrorism cast a shadow over its bid to join it, potentially hampering the organization’s effectiveness.

Geopolitical Clashes and Decision-Making Implications

India and Pakistan’s longstanding disputes could complicate crucial decision-making processes within it, weakening its reputation as a cohesive entity.

Political Standing and Organizational Image

India is wary of associating it with a country whose foreign policy is unstable and lacks positive global standing.

Barriers Hindering Pakistan’s Membership

Unpacking the reasons preventing Pakistan from gaining entry into BRICS.

Economic Handicap: A Struggle for Equilibrium

With its formidable economies dominating the global stage, Pakistan’s relatively weak economy could hinder the organization’s financial strength.

Risk of Discordant Integration

Pakistan’s history of conflicts with neighboring countries raises concerns that its inclusion in it could lead to internal discord similar to the SAARC’s challenges.

Unstable Foreign Policy and International Perception

Pakistan’s inconsistent foreign policy approach and its debt-ridden status hinder its integration into it, further bolstering opposition from nations like India, South Africa, and Brazil.

Conclusion: The Battle for Inclusion

As the 15th BRICS Summit commences, the tug-of-war between Pakistan’s aspiration and India’s opposition underscores the intricacies of global politics, economics, and diplomacy. Whether Pakistan will manage to secure a place within the coveted organization remains a question that resonates within the international arena.

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