Indigenous Development : The Aditya L1 spacecraft is a testament to India's prowess in space technology, as it is entirely developed within the country
Payload Development: The mission involves collaboration with various Indian institutions. Payloads like the Visible Emission Line Coronagraph and the Solar Ultraviolet Imager were developed by Indian Institutes.
Aditya L1's Weight: While the exact weight of the Aditya L1 spacecraft may vary depending on the specific configuration, it typically falls within the range of 400 to 500 kilograms.
Lagrange Point Destination: Aditya L1's primary objective is to reach Lagrange Point-1 (L1), which is situated approximately 1.5 million kilometers away from Earth
Real-Time Space Weather Monitoring: One of the key contributions of Aditya L1 is its ability to monitor space weather in real-time.
Four-Month Journey: Aditya L1 embarks on a four-month journey to reach L1, with the expected arrival date being January 3, 2024